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"Recycle, Recreate" FH Earth Day Celebration

Dori Wittrig April 20, 2022

This Friday, April 22nd, is Earth Day! The Town of Fountain Hills is celebrating this special day for the ecosystem by hosting a celebration that evening from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the FH Community Center.
Ten families who register will compete in a Cardboard Fort Contest, which involves each family competing to create the most amazing cardboard fort. Meanwhile, other activities at the Community Center that evening will include everything from rock painting, to a paper airplane contest, to workshops for gardening, creating bird feeders, etc. out of recycled household materials.
Epcor and Republic Services, who are sponsoring this event, will have booths with educational materials, activities, and prizes!
One of the other main highlights of the event will be a Recycled Art Contest, where artists must make beautiful creations out of materials originally destined for the trash or recycling bin. The art will be presented at the event, and Republic Services will provide prize money for the winners!
Visit FountainHillsAZ.gov/EarthDay to pre-register for the Community Center’s Earth Day activities.

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