The American Southwest is well-known for its turquoise. It has a long-standing value for the Native Americans of the region who used it to summon rain, as a medium of exchange, to guard their burial sites, and to call upon the Great Spirit of the sky.
Turquoise is likely the oldest gemstone in American history. It can be found all over the world, with beads from Iraq dating back to 5000 BCE and mining by Egyptians in 3200 BCE. The death mask of King Tutankhamun was studded with it, Cleopatra ground it to powder for eyeshadow, and Montezuma of the Aztecs used it to inlay skulls, shields, and power statues. The Chinese were carving it more than 3,000 years ago.
Arizona’s turquoise is widely revered. Bisbee Turquoise is a beautiful sky blue with barely perceptible veins and was considered the finest natural turquoise on the market by the 1960s. The Kingman mine is one of the oldest and highest producing with Native American and Mayan mining dating back to 1,000 years ago.
This beautiful stone’s symbolism and lore links it to riches, happiness, and luck. It is said to predict danger, warning its owners by breaking or changing colors and protecting especially against falls. It was also prized as a symbol of wisdom, nobility, and immortality.
Turquoise is one of the birthstones of December. It is also a celebratory stone to represent a couple’s 5th and 11th anniversary. Because it does not form crystals like other gemstones, it is susceptible to scratching and breaking if not cared for properly. Never wear it to do chores since household chemicals can damage them.
Sami Jack of Sami Fine Jewelry explains that the stone is related to the 5th chakra which is associated with communication and speech. Some people like to wear it or hold it when giving a presentation.
“My favorite thing about turquoise is its soft blue color and its soothing qualities,” says Sami. “I love that it is an American gemstone.”