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What exactly is the NPOA?

Dori Wittrig November 8, 2022

We have all seen that bright blue eyesore on the corner or the architectural anomaly down the street. This is why the Neighborhood Property Owners’ Association of Fountain Hills, Arizona (NPOA) was formed to protect your property by maintaining quality architectural standards and guidelines in your neighborhood.
When looking for a home to purchase in Fountain Hills you most likely have come across properties that are located in the NPOA area.
Good News! The NPOA is not a homeowners association with monthly dues or assessments. A one-time transfer fee of $335 is required when a property changes ownership. The main reason for NPOA’s existence is to preserve the beauty and uphold the guidelines that were initially put into place by Robert McCulloch, the master developer of Fountain Hills. This is just one of the many benefits of living in the beautiful Fountain Hills community.
Today there are over 4,400 properties in 66 plats that fall within the NPOA’s jurisdiction. To see if your home is included visit the NPOA website @www.npoafh.org.
Then it is subject to the architectural and aesthetic guidelines listed in the Development Guide and enforced by The Neighborhood Committee of Architecture (NCOA), which meets weekly and maintains architectural control of Member plats. This entails a review of building plans for new construction and all other architectural alterations, including but not limited to repainting, demolitions, remodels/additions, porches, patios, walls, fences, solar, pools, awnings, gazebos, recoating a flat roof or installing new windows, etc. Appropriate permit fees and compliance deposits apply. For more information, NPOA can be reached at email: [email protected] or by phone: 480-837-5317.

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